We, at Goodwill, always strive to provide products of highest quality to the users. For us, as a manufacturer of medical devices, high quality is not an added value; it is an essential basic requirement. We continuously implement latest technologies in production line to provide products of international standards. We believe that quality is the result of the team work and so we always provide the training and an appropriate motivating environment to employees to improve themselves in carrying out processes. Our quality control is always focused on fulfilling quality requirements.  We ensure that manufacturing processes are carried out in accordance with established SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) and all the machines and instruments are calibrated and continuously operated between set parameters to produce products of highest quality. All the final products are run through series of quality tests before its release into market.


Some of the core steps for quality of product taken at our facility:

  • Raw materials are procured from approved suppliers having established reputation in pharma industry. Incoming raw materials are further run through internal quality checks.
  • Manufacturing and packaging takes in cleanroom (Cleanroom established according to ISO 14644 series standard).
  • In-Process quality check at every stage of production
  • Finished product runs through a multitude of quality tests before its release for the market.
  • Packaging material and its sealing is validated to retain physical property and to assure sterility of the product till its use.
  • Continuous feedback of customer and physicians to improve product.